
Mdina glass

Mdina glass

Mdina glass

mdina glass was founded by ex-Royal College of Art Glass tutor, Michael Harris, on Malta in 1969.

Pieces are primarily a combination of colors turquoise, , Aqua greens and blues,
inspired by colours of the sea and beaches.

Mdina glass

Much of it was sold as souvenirs to tourists holidaying in Malta.

Most Mdina glass has the signature on the base or a sticker, but some do not.

The colours and shapes and heavy, thick glass helps to identify it,
it was imported into the US by George Briard and Rosenthal.

Large pieces are uncommon, partly as they took skill to make, and smaller pieces were easy transport by tourists and also because they were less expensive.

It is also possible to tell the age of the peace by its colours, orange pink and white pieces are later in date and are not as collectible.

Mdina glass
Harris left Malta in 9072 and set up another glass factory on the Isle of Wight many pieces from this factory  have a similar resemblance and design to Medina glass but on close inspection
you would notice that this class is a lot thinner.

As a collectable dealer I have bought and sold this glass over the decades and have seen the prices dramatically increase with popularity the most sought-after pieces are.

 Whats is known as axe head glass and this demands the highest prices.
Mdina glass
 there’s lots of Mdina paperweights available 

with starting prices from as little as 5 pounds $8 and are quite commonplace on car boots  and collectors fairs.

Mdina sand and tortoiseshell glass is also popular  and i would expect to pay between £35, $45 and £50. $65 for a 9 inch glass and a tortoiseshell 11 inch bottle can be had for £30. $40.

I hope you found this page  on Mdina glass  to be both helpful and informative.

Happy hunting from the collectible coach.


  1. I have a signed mdina decanter I have just likes it for the colours but is this worth anything and should I have it insured..?
