
Dewars whisky

Dewars whisky 

Dewars whisky

The families dynasties begun in 1845 when John Dewars established a modest whiskey blending and bottling operation in Perth.

John Dewar learnt the trade while working in the cellars of a distant cousins wine merchant business
Dewars whisky
less than 10 years after joining his cousins business John Dewar was made a partner but in 1846 decided he could achieve more on his own and established John Dewars and Sons Ltd.

He began on a small scale but was soon looking beyond the limits of Perth markets to the south
upon his death in 1880 his son John also realise the future of the company was in London.

Dewars whisky
When his brother Thomas joined the company four years later he was sent to London to open an office and began making inroads in the whisky trade.

In 1893 they were granted  Queen Victoria’s Royal warrant for the supply of whisky to the Royal household’s.

As the demand for Dewars whiskey grew the brothers decided to do more than just blend and sell whiskey. They took over the lease of  tullymet distillery and built another distillery at Aberfeldy neither birthplace of their father.

Dewars whisky
While elder brother John managed production and administration, Thomas set off on a world tour to capture new markets.

 Over the course of two years he arranged shipments of whisky into countless ports worldwide.

It was the basis of Dewar’s export network which still exists today.

Dewars whisky
When the brothers died within a year of each other, Peter Dewar no relation but a lifetime employee, was appointed chairman of the company in 1930 he consolidated North American markets for John Dewars and Sons Ltd upon his death the controls once again returned to the Dewar family.

A particularly nice collectable is Dewars glass decanters I have included some photos on this page, as I think they are a very good investment opportunity if you come across one.

Bar dispensing bottles are particularly rare and very sought after and I have seen them go at auction for as much as £1000.-$1450

I hope you found this page  on   Dewars whisky  helpful and informative,

 good hunting from the collectible coach.

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