
Cabbage Patch Doll

Cabbage Patch doll
Cabbage Patch doll

These dolls have been subject to a great urban myth, regarding this particular toy ,the  story was that cabbage patch kids.

 Were created to help the public deal with  birth defects as the result of a nuclear war,  which is like believing that the moon is made out of green cheese.

The inventor of the doll is Xavier Roberts.

Working in soft sculptures in the 1970s . Using hand stitched fabric to produce a variety of expressions for the face of the Soft dolls .

Cabbage Patch doll
Hand painted details and real clothes, each of the little people he created was a labour of love and highly desirable to doll enthusiasts and collectors.

Roberts skills did not stop at the creation of his new dolls he was also a gifted salesman.

he came up with the idea of adopting a doll rather than buying it.

Dolls were supplied with certificates stating they were not made but born in a hospital.

They didn’t become cabbage patch kids until 1983, when Coleco stepped in to offer mass production techniques.
Cabbage Patch doll
Making it possible to move 3 million units in the first year of sales, the craze was now in full swing and demand was exceeding production.

Cabbage patch kids are very desirable collectables and a signed doll by Roberts can still fetch $1500. 

 but on average depending on the doll with its original box.

Cabbage Patch doll
 And in good condition prices range between hundred and $200 this is not to say there is still certain ones that are more sought after.

And can fetch anything from $750-$1000 the dolls have a bigger following in the USA than Europe but they are still collected around the world.

I hope you found this page  on  Cabbage Patch doll   to be both informative and helpful.
Happy hunting from the collectables coach.

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