

Matchbox  car

Matchbox car
If any Toy can claim to rival toy soldiers knights in armour cowboys and Indians it’s the toy car.

In this page we are going to look at Matchbox toys, if you think about it what Matchbox toys have done and many others, is to simply micro-sized a real car.
Matchbox car

Even in the early days this appeal to both young boys and girls to full-grown adults, and in most cases were given as play toys however even in the early years they were sought after by what we know today and call petrol heads.

As our love for cars has evolved over the years today’s models have become more lifelike to meet the needs of collectors.

Matchbox car
Matchbox toys has become synonymous with die-cast cars, although I think more practical in America than anywhere else in the world ,there’s  still is huge collectors market for these vehicles.

 Two years ago a rare model sold at auction for a record $20,000  approximately  £16,000. So it looks like in some cases even dreaming about a super
Matchbox car

car whether it be real or a die-cast model  form  Matchbox can still cost the same.

I have been to many swap meets and specialist toys auctions over the years, both buying and selling and in all cases the most important thing is condition of both vehicle and its packaging its box can play a really important part in both the resale and purchase of the die-cast vehicle as much as 40% of the total vehicles worth is down to the box’s condition.

Matchbox car
There is a huge cottage industry producing spare parts tyres, wheels, stickers transfers. Reproduction boxes, and if you want there’s plenty of people out there who will be willing to spray your Matchbox model in whatever colours you choose.

Prices vary immensely as I have said on condition however if you’re just looking for a toy that you had as a child and it doesn't have to be in mint condition, should be able to pick one up for as little as $10-$20 in played with condition.

I hope you have found this page on  Matchbox car  to be both informative and helpful.

Happy hunting from the collectibles coach 

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