
Slinky history

Slinky history

Slinky history
Few toys can boast a CV as colourful as the slinky.

It was the subject of one of the longest running advertising jingles in history.

It has been taken into orbit aboard the space shuttle, has had its own postage stamp and is the official state toy of Pennsylvania.

Slinky history
That’s not bad for a toy that was invented by accident, when engineer Richard James was experimenting with springs and watched with interest when one of his test subjects fell to the floor in a series of steps.

Two years later in 1945, his new toy was demonstrated at Gimbel’s department store.

In Philadelphia the first batch of 400 slinky is sold out in 90 minutes.

Slinky history

Sales have since talked the 300 million mark, the slinky is most famed for its ability to walk down stairs, powered by nothing more than gravity and its own perpetual movement.

It’s not a concept that is easily explained, but when seen in action that is instant.

Slinky history
Spin offs have included the slinky dog, which launched in 1952 and was also featured in the toy story movie and franchise, the slinky train and crazy eyes glasses.
It still shows that in today’s society of electronic toys and gizmos that this basic spring turned into a toy still has a huge following.

Sadly they are not of great value but that’s not to say I would not buy one just for the novelty of watching it going down stairs.

I hope you found this page   Slinky history on to be both informative and helpful.

Happy hunting the collectables coach

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