
Radio  Broadcasting

Radio  Broadcasting
Radio  Broadcasting

many early crystal radio sets were built at home by amateur enthusiasts, hence the name and expression ham radio.

They were typically equipped with a single pair of headphones, so could only be used by one person at a time not that there was initially much to listen to.

Radio  Broadcasting
Britain’s first regular broadcasting service was started by Marconi in February 1922 and consisted of just one half hour programme every Tuesday evening.

 However, in November that year saw the launch of British broadcasting services which broadcasted to news bulletins and a weather report.

It wasn’t long before radio became central to people’s lives and living rooms.

Radio  Broadcasting
From the 1930s, wireless reflected the art deco fashions of the day, streamlined shapes and the introduction of art deco fashions of the day into the style of the radio.

Bakelite radios are often more sought after than wooden case models.

Brown and black of the most frequently found Bakelite colours and brighter colours, coloured plastics can command a premium.

Radio  Broadcasting

While radios can be read repaired, but the cases can be much harder to restore, particular plastic examples therefore in terms of value Tends to be more important than the content Biffa 1930 Bakelite radio has a damaged 

case it’s worth can be half. She had is another important factor one of the most famous radios of the 1930s was the circular ekco radio created specially for Bakelite and is today recognised as the art deco design classic.

Radio  Broadcasting

Size also matters, and tabletop radios are more popular than the larger radio grounds that take up considerably more space and are more difficult to store.

Although traditionally valve radios predominated in their immediate post-war period, in 1947 three American research scientists, developed the transistor radio both in America and Japan.

Sony produced the first pocket size transistor set the model TR55 in 1955.

Radio  Broadcasting
From the late 1950s onwards the radio was no longer just a household 

item but a personal accessory that you could take with you where ever you went, paving the way for the Sony Walkman of the 1970s and the modern iPod.

Pre-1963 models are sought after today look out for what is known as CD civil defence marks on the dial the two triangles which designed to shore the emergency frequency tuning to case of nuclear type.

I hope you found this page on Radio Broadcasting to be both helpful and informative.

Happy hunting from the collectibles coach.

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