
Monart, Vasart, Strathearn

Monart, Vasart, Strathearn

Monart, Vasart, Strathearn
The Ysart dynasty of Spanish glass workers was largely responsible for distinctive blown and cased coloured art glass with swirling decoration, produced by Scottish glassworks from 1924 until 1980s.

The distinctive  range Monart, Vasart, Strathearn  was developed by Salvador   Ysart and his sons.

Together, they made some 300 shapes for vases bowls and leaded jars.

Monart, Vasart, Strathearn
The simple, often oriental inspired shapes, focused attention on the rich and subtle palettes, dramatic colour combinations, and swirling internal decoration designed by Salvador Ysaet.

The basic techniques involved sandwiching small shreds of coloured glass between two layers of clear glass.

Monart, Vasart, Strathearn

The coloured glass could be manipulated, using various tools, to create the swirling patterns.

The more sophisticated, and sought after pieces had an extra layer of external declaration, like the crackled effect on the vase in the photo.

Monart, Vasart, Strathearn
Salvador Ysart and his sons used the same techniques for the subsequent range of Vasart and Strathearn glass, although these are genuinely more limited in range of patterns and colours.

Monart, Vasart, Strathearn

 Monarts original paper labels are often missing, Strathearn glass has a salmon mark.and  vasart pieces are  sometimes signed.

I hope you have found this page on  Monart, Vasart, Strathearn to be both helpful and informative.

Happy hunting from the collectables coach.

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