
Festival of Britai

 Festival of Britain

Symbolised the nation’s recovery after the war and was a milestone of our social history.

 Festival of Britain.

 Festival of Britain
Demand is increasing for memorabilia from the event as part of the recent upsurge in interest in the 1950s styles and achievements.

In 1951, after years of austerity, the festival of Britain was mounted to celebrate all that was good about Britain and to promote the arts and sciences and their impact on modern design.

 Festival of Britain.

Although the festival was countrywide, its heart was London’s South bank, where the enormous Dome of discovery, the rocket shaped skylon, and the Royal Festival Hall embodied a new view of modernity.

More than 10 million people visited the festival over a period of five months.

 Festival of Britain.

 Festival of Britain.
The designer and typographer Abram Games created the official emblem for the landmark event, a profile of Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and crafts, surmounting a for pointed compass.

Games also designed much of the printed literature.

A vast number of commemorative objects were produced, most items now costing well in the hundred pounds.

Look out for less common pieces, such as glassware, ties or car badges bearing the festival will go are images of any of the key buildings.
 Festival of Britain.

Badges, programs, and postcards are easy to find and cost anything from 2 pounds upwards.

I hope you have found this page to be both informative and helpful.

 Festival of Britain.
I have included a few photographs of items to give you some idea of what’s available.

Happy hunting, from the collectibles coach.

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