
Posters design

Posters design

Posters design

Designed as an attempt to marry classical music and animation, Fantasia did not meet with great success on its original 1940 release. But it has proven to be an animated annuity - its numerous re-releases growing more popular with each new generation.

 This original Belgian post-war release poster is an affordable introduction to the expensive paper on this title. The combination of Mickey, the would-be magician from the Sorcerer's Apprentice sequence, with the putti created to animate Beethoven's Sixth Symphony, is unique among European imagery. The 1970 re-release poster was heavily influenced by late 1960s psychedelia.

Posters design

Posters design

From 1950 on the creation of animated features was no longer a major focus of Disney studios. They branched out into TV (with the Mickey Mouse Club), amusement parks, and live-action movies. By the 1980s the animation department was almost non-existent, until new management was brought in and a strong commitment was made to new major works. 

The Little Mermaid was released in 1989, for which this one-sheet was made, and was a huge success; there is now a steady flow of films. Disney was one of the first studios to use double-sided posters (to take advantage of the new backlit showcases), and they sell at a premium over the single-sided examples. As more theaters install light boxes, single-sided posters for major releases will gradually disappear

Posters design

Posters design

With this one-sheet for the 1932 release of Touchdown Mickey collectors enter a rarefied world. It is thought to be the only one to exist, and while all pre-Snow White Disney posters are valuable, especially those with a sports theme, the superior graphic design of this one makes it even more desirable. 

The October 2000 U.S. auction at which this poster achieved its record price consisted of the entire holdings of one man who was relentless in his pursuit of the best early Disney paper; forcing other bidders into different areas of collecting. When he came to sell, the market was bereft of major collectors and only a few stellar examples, such as this, fared well.

Posters design

Posters design
 Collectors are fond of this format because it echoes the actual animation cells used in the production of the film and the smaller size seems to give a more intense tone to the image.

The two cards illustrated, from the original release of Snow White, display the usual price disparity created by auctions. Cards from this film don't appear on the market very often, and the last time a complete set of eight was offered in 1999 it sold for close  to  

part three of 3

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