
Paper weights

Paper weight 

Paper weight

is a unique examples of

the best glass making, available in countless colors and designs. The finest are from 19th-century France, but the work of a younger generation from Britain and elsewhere is collectible

Paperweights have a thick, clear, domed glass casing, which magnifies the colourful design within. The most popular type contains multicoloured glass canes cut in short sections to create an effect known as millefiori (Italian for 'a thousand flowers').

Paper weight

A different style of manufacture is the sulphide weight, which is also popular with collectors. Sulphide weights encapsulate a small portrait made from a white porcelain­like material.

The French factories of St Louis, Clicliy, and Baccarat produced superb paperweights in the mid-19th century. Today they can fetch anything from a couple of hundred pounds for the simpler designs to thousands for the larger, finest pieces with dense, complex patterns. 

Many European glassmakers settled in the USA in the 1850s, and the best American examples can also be expensive.

Paper weight

The collector on a budget has plenty of scope within the 20th century. One outstanding designer was the Spanish-born Paul Ysart, who worked for the renowned Montcrieff glassworks in Scotland.

Their weights bearing the label 'Monart' can be found for little more than £100 - a good investment, as prices are rising. Ysart moved to Caithness Glass in 1963, staying with the company until 1970 and then set up on his own in 1971.

 Other Scottish makers worth looking out for include Vasart, Strathearn, and Selkirk. English makers to look for are John Deacons, Wedgwood, Langham Glass, and Isle of Wight Studio Glass.
Paper weight

19th- and early 20th-century Chinese paperweights are still relatively modestly priced. High-quality, .
clear pieces may be a good long-term investment .

Paper weight

Paper weight Collectors' Tips

  • Choose weights with closely packed canes

  • Paper weight
    Check canes for makers' marks or dates

  • Look for canes bearing animal silhouettes

  • Avoid cracked weights - they cannot be repaired

1 comment:

  1. Monet ihmiset kehittävät ongelmia loisinfektioissa tietyn ajan kuluttua. Hyvä ratkaisu tässä tilanteessa on hyvä lääke. Yksi tabletti riittää ratkaisemaan kaikki ongelmat. Täältä -sivustolta voit ostaa sen edulliseen hintaan.
