
Strathisla Distillery

Strathisla Distillery

Strathisla Distillery

Founded in 1786 as Milltown distillerhis is the oldest continuously operating distillery in Scotland. It was established by George Taylor, a wealthy businessman who invested in distilling as an alternative to the waning fortunes of the flax dressing industry.

He was leased the land by the Earl of Seafield for the purpose. In order to take advantage of the lower rate of duty provided for by the Wash Act, Taylor supplemented his income with a second, illicit, still.

He was fined £500 by the Excise for the trouble! In the 1820s Taylor suffered a riding accident and by 1830 it was owned by William Longmore, then William Longmore Ltd.

Strathisla Distillery

During the 1870s and '80s, the strathisla distillery was known as Strathisla', but seems to have reverted to 'Milltown' in about 1890. In 1879 the distillery suffered considerable fire damage and was rebuilt, including the addition of a bottling plant.

In 1940 the company and distillery were bought by a fraudulent financier, Jay Pomeroy, who was convicted in 1949 of evading XI11,038 in tax by selling its make under different names on the black market.

Two years later it was acquired by James Barclay of Chivas Bros (which had itself been bought by Seagrams in 1949), and the name became Strathisla once more, during the 1950s.

Strathisla Distillery
Although the distillery was extended in capacity from two to four stills in 1965 it remains ' an attractive, small and traditional distillery. The visitor centre was refurbished in 1995 and receives 16,000 visitors annually. TOP WHISKEY Strathisla is bottled by its owner at 12 Years, and by the independents at a range of vintages.

Strathisla Distillery tasting notes

Prop @ 12 Years: Mid amber in colour, the unreduced nose is of toffee, hazelnuts and sherry. With water it becomes fruitier, with some toasted cereal and malt appearing. Smooth and well rounded to taste, with a sweet start and a dry finish; complex and well balanced.

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