objects provide a more intimate link with the past than an old teddy
bear or a cloth doll. In good condition, however, these souvenirs of
childhood can be of far more than sentimental value.
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contenders, one German and one American, have some claim to producing
the first soft toy bears. The German manufacturer was Margarete
Steiff, a polio victim who turned to toymaking in the 1880s as a way
of gaining independence. Using material from her
uncle's felt factory, she began with an elephant pincushion hut was
soon making far more elaborate toys such as a mechanical dancing hear
and a hear on all fours that could he pulled along on wheels.
the turn of the century, Steiff and her nephew started to make hears
with movable joints. The bears were stuffed with wood shavings and
covered with mohair plush in a range of colours, including black and
silvery- white. For some time the Steiff hears failed to arouse much
interest, but the breakthrough came when a New York company placed an
order for 3000 at the Leipzig Fair in 1903.
Morris Michtom, a Russian immigrant to the United States, was making
a living selling sweets and toys - mostly handmade by Michtom
and his wife - from a shop in Brooklyn. In 1902 the Michtoms made a
small bear out of furry fabric in response to a newspaper story about
the American president, Theodore Roosevelt, who refused to shoot
a bear cub on a hunting expedition. Michtom called his bear 'Teddy's
bear' after the
president, and displayed it in his shop window, where it sold almost
the Michtoms made and sold one hear after another, and it became
obvious that there was a huge demand for the toys, they wrote to
Roosevelt and received permission to use his name. Eventually the
Michtoms' entire stock was bought by Butler Brothers, later to become
the Ideal Toy Corporation, America's biggest toy manufacturer.
Steiff teddy bears were named Fremiti Pet? ('Friend Bruin') in Germany, but
they too came to be known as teddy bears after some of the imported
toys were used to decorate tables at a White House reception given by
Roosevelt. From then on the name stuck.
1904 onwards, teddy bears were manufactured in large numbers by
German makers such as Bing, Bruin, Hermann, Schuco and Sussenguth, as
well as by Steiff, and also by many American companies, among them
Columbia Teddy Bear Manufacturers, Commonwealth Toy and Novelty
GWifwf?)'; Harman Manufacturing Company, Ideal Toy Company and
toymakers started producing bears in large numbers only in the 1920s.
Names to look out for include those of Chad Valley, Chiltern, Dean's
Rag Book Company, Ealon Toys, J.K. Farnell, Merrythought, Pedigree
and Norah Wellings.
buying an old teddy bear, decide whether you want it as an investment
or just for pleasure. Only bears that are in good condition with
their fur intact and identifiable as being made by a well-known
firm have kept or increased their value.
Steiff teddy
bears can be identified by a metal button in the left ear, from which
the date of manufacture
can be judged; other makes of bear may have a label or tag. Avoid
unmarked teddy bears if you are looking for an investment - they
can seldom be authenticated. Beware, too, of imitations: the Steiff
button is now being copied by some German manufacturers. If in
doubt, ask a specialist at one of the big auction houses to take a
vary according to age, condition, maker and colour. A beige or yellow
('gold') 6'A-i2
in (16.5-30 cm) Steiff teddy bears made in about 1920 and in good condition
will usually fetch between £500 and £1500 at auction, but a
similar, unlabelled British one only about £i50-£200. Unusual
colours, such as rust or cinnamon, can fetch around £2000, silver-
white around £6000, and black examples will go for up to £22,000.
Even a beige Steiff teddy bears from before 1910 may be worth up to £4000.
These prices depend on size.
Always remember that plush toys will be more beneficial if you will make sure that your baby is not sensitive with the materials used. stuffed pug
ReplyDeleteA simple hunting trip in November 1902 gave birth to one of the most loved toys of children and adults around the world, the Teddy Bear. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was invited by then Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino to a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi. funny teddy bear names
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