



A review of malts cannot include single grain  good whiskey, which are another species, but they merit an appendix. These two types of whisky do, after all, live together in a married state in every bottle of blended Scotch. While the malts provide the fullness of character in the blend, there is usually more grain whisky in the bottle.

Because it is made in a continuous process, in a column- shaped still, grain whisky can be produced more quickly and cheaply. It has less character, but it still takes some flavour from its principal raw material, whether unmalted barley, wheat or corn (maize). It is a whisky, not a neutral spirit, and it is aged for at least three years. There are eight grain distilleries operating in Scotland, and one or two more that are silent.

For decades, United Distillers and its predecessor Distillers Company Limited have bottled as a single grain the product of its Cameronbridge Distillery, in Fife. This is made available (but not actively marketed) as Cameron Brig, with no age statement, over the Haig name. It has an amber colour and hints of sherry and caramel to round out the grainy palate. In more recent years, a single grain from Invergordon distillery in the Northern Highlands has been actively marketed, at 10 and 22 years old, by the company of the same name.


 The design of the label and the advertising suggest that this is aimed at fashion-conscious young drinkers, perhaps in the worthy hope of weaning them off vodka.


There have been several independent bottlings of much older single grains. Signatory has a perfumy, woody, quity full, single grain from Dumbarton, and a sweeter one from North British. James Mac Art bur has a woody,

sherryish Carsebridge, and softer, rounder examples from Ben Nevis and Lochside.
These are bottlings for the lover of esoteric drinks.

The Invergordon Single Grain has a golden colour anil a soft.
clean, sweetish palate.

Hi do you want to know more about whisky, why not go to my blog under the title's of [ HOW TO DRINK WHISKY ]  & read one of the many  review's about whisky.

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