



Piggin' is the creation of wildlife enthusiast and artist David Corbridge. He has had a lifelong interest in animals and spends much of his time sketching them all over the world. While living on a farm in the deepest wilds of North Yorkshire, he was inspired by the carry - ings-on of one of the farm's pigs, and Piggin' was born.

History of Piggin'

Well, in David's words, it goes something a bit like this... "It all started on Tuesday. Well, not actually 'on' Tuesday, more 'with' Tuesday, let me explain.

Tuesday was the name of a large white pig who shared his home with me. We both had the good fortune to live on a small friendly arable farm at the northern most point of the English county of North Yorkshire. While I rented the farm cottage, Tuesday lived in one of the outbuildings.


At this period in my life I spent most of my time exploring the intimate secrets of the animals and birds living on and around the farm, and recording my obser­vations on paper with pencil and brush. While I had been a wildlife artist all my working life, it was during this time that the idea for Piggin' became a reality.


It had been a cold, sunny October afternoon and I had been drawing the pigs romping and frolicking amongst the hay. I came back to the cottage with an armful of studies and one in particular, a sleepy picture of 'Tuesday' gave me the idea I had been searching for.

For many weeks Bill Dodd, a longtime personal friend as well as being Chairman of Collectible World Studios, had been mulling over ideas for a new range of figurines on which we could work together.

It was decided that a range based on thThese were the building blocks for what has blossomed into a close friendship and working relationship,

together with a hugely popular character- called Piggin'. And it all started with Tuesday, an unsuspecting, perky and mischievous pig, who, after a very exciting but tiring afternoon playing with his friends, stuck his head through an old tractor tyre and fell asleep in the sun.

'Piggin' Tired' was the first figurine sculpted in 1993, but the story started a long time before that.e antics of pigs around the farmyard was a good starting point, and that, as they say, was that!"

The Piggin' Story- The Origin of the Word Piggin'

Piggin' pigs, according to folklore, were first reared on the traditional farm of Wardle Cussons, son of Ernest Cussons, and are all direct descendants of Bertha, Ernest's prize sow. Wardle's farm, 'Sunny Dale' is near the historic town of Middleham, North Yorkshire.
To appreciate all of this, it is important for the reader to understand the origin of the word 'Piggin' and how it came to be used as a word of such descriptive powers and no little affection.
A good number of years ago, no-one is quite sure how many, Ernest Cussons, a Yorkshire farmer of modest living, was returning to his farm in the Leak valley of Coverdale (not far from where his son now lives) on foot from an evening of supping ale (quantity not known but thought to be considerable) in nearby Ley burn.
It had been , argued  whether or not Mary Queen of Scots did really spend the night in Geoff Chadwick's pig hull after she had escaped from nearby Bolton Castle.

There was not a shred of evidence but the argument was quite heated at times although goodwill was maintained and the ale had flowed freely.


In the merriment of the public bar of The Jolly Pig, Ernest had temporarily forgotten that his prized sow, Bertha was close to labour. Wrapped in three coats, tied round securely with twine, Ernest braved the chill autumn winds of Coverdale as he made the long walk home still mulling over the debate.

It was as he crossed the River Ure and was in the last half mile and the moon was shining like a celestial torch over his crook framed pig house that Ernest sobered up long enough to remember and shout out "Bertha, my old girl."

Although tired from the walk and chilled to the bone, Ernest was warmed by the ale and he quickened his stride as he made for the pig house, spluttering "Bertha, Bertha" repeatedly. He threw open the door petrified at the thought of finding anything amiss.  

and had given birth to very many piglets and was smiling contentedly as Ernest fell to his knees to check over the mother and her litter.

It was in The Jolly Pig a few weeks later that the word Piggin' was first created and it can be attributed to Geoff Chadwick, a Yorkshire farmer.

Ernest recounted his experience in vivid details and was telling how Bertha had given birth by herself to a litter of 42 piglets when Geoff interrupted noisily by shouting at the top of his voice; "What a piggin' porky Ernest!" That was it; the very first time!

It was another long night of debate that followed. The ale flowed and Ernest finally conceded that Mary Queen of Scots did sleep in Geoff's pig hull. But 42 piglets?   

 The Collector's Club

 David has now sculpted over 500 Piggin'.pieces

Piggin' has many, many friends all over the world, and a thriving Collector's Club where members can find out more about their beloved Piggin', swap ideas and letters, and keep up to date with what is going on in the world of piggin.


The website now also means that Collectors and Piggin' enthusiasts can be kept constantly up to date at the speed of light, as well as having the chance to leave their messages for David, the Club, or other Collectors and friends.

About the Artist

For the last eight years Piggin' creator David Corbridge has devoted much of his time and energy to bring the wonderful world of Piggin' to life. A successful wildlife artist by trade, Piggin' allows David to show off his more whimsical side, and share his love of pigs with us all.
Whilst living on the Yorkshire farm he began to see the pigs as people and took great delight in observing their many human characteristics.
As the years have rolled by the character of Piggin' has developed, as have those of his friends who have joined

him in his many exploits. David continues to be inspired by the natural world around him, and still lives out in the wilds, gathering his ideas each day from the creatures he observes and sketches, not only in his home land of County Durham, but also all around the world. Wherever there are animals, then David is keen to explore.


David is a talented public speaker and is much in demand to talk about his inspiration for Piggin', from collectors everywhere. He usually has a sketch pad on hand and his illustrated talks are both entertaining and informative.

The ideas for Piggin' come from a variety of sources, for example 'Piggin' Phobia' was inspired by his brothers lifelong fear of spiders, and 'Piggin Skint' was a plea from a collector who had spent all her money at a collectables fair!

The ideas are far from running out and whether you are a seasoned collector, or new to this rare breed of pig, then come along and join in all the fun of the farmyard!

For further information telephone: 0/782 221444.
E-mail: Website: Or write to: The Piggin' Club, Collectible World Studios Limited, Regent Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire STI 3BT.


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