
Christmas Markets Bah Humbug

Lincoln Christmas Market

Just visited Lincoln Christmas Market  this  weekend  it was too busy and over priced.

My first bah humbug  was having to pay £13 to use the park and ride and stand in a queue for 15 mins waiting to be transported to the market.

On arrival being directed by a miserable git with about as much Christmas spirit as a turkey,
 his experience of crowds must have been gained from cattle herding.

After browsing a few market stalls with my wife Gillian and having to watch her waste money on utter tack (Bah Humbug) which were being sold as handmade Christmas gifts.

My wife decided it was time for us to get something to eat and drink, which for the first time in the two and a half hours that I had been dragged round the Christmas market made sense to me and put a smile on my face.

Bah Humbug
As eating is one of my favorite past times and according to all my family I am really good at it (what ever do they mean, I look like Santa!)  so with new vigor off I went in search  of  provisions ,as I planned on talking my wife into going for a carvery later I was thinking  snacks, maybe coffee and doughnuts .

So I was happy to see a stand selling Spanish  doughnuts and coffee, I joined the queue and  as I moved closer to the front  I could not see a price list but I did see a guy at the counter holding out five pounds to pay for what look like bread sticks then I heard the stall holder say £9  thank you  .

Nine pounds for what looked like six bread sticks , no way was I paying that (Bah Humbug) so I went back to Gill  to tell her my tail of ripoff , only to find she had now decided that we  now needed some sort of burger, so off we went to a stall selling German foods whilst Gill placed  our order I asked one of the girls were in Germany  are you from ,  Leeds she replied  .

As for as I can see the market is just one of these places that we feel we must visit to make  our self's think its Christmas time,   Bah Humbug!!!!!

Collectibles Coach

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