
PenDelfin Rabbits

PenDelfin Rabbits 

The story of PenDelfin goes back to 1953 when Jean Walmsley Heap and Jeannie Todd set up a business in their garden shed in Burnley. Originally the pair produced models of witches, fairies and other mythical characters that tied in with the folklore of the town's Pendle Hill.

PenDelfin Rabbits 

 The huge hill shaped like a whale dominates the landscape and is famous throughout the region for the triads of the Pendle witches over 200 years ago. The name PenDelfin was created by using a mixture of Pendle and Elfin which was great for their first sculpted pieces from myth and legend.

PenDelfin Rabbits 

Rabbits, however, were a bit of an after thought for Jean and Jeannie but did tie in with their imaginative pieces as they decided to dress them like people. Father rabbit was the first to be sculpted with a huge head and large ears followed by mother rabbit who was equally stylised.

PenDelfin Rabbits 

 The public loved them and soon more were introduced and their mythical pieces had to be discontinued to make way for the new introductions. New premises were found in place of the garden shed and production went into overdrive. The name of PenDelfin became recognised across the country and today the company is admired throughout the world.  

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